36 research outputs found

    Self-control feeding in children

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    Introduction: Overweight and childhood obesity are a public health problem. Therefore, it is fundamental to intervene in the factors at the behavioural level that can lead to changes. Objectives: To evaluate children’s food self-control and to relate it to gender, the phratry, nutritional status and food preferences. To verify the influence of the nutritionist (about food literacy and the nutritional education) in the children’s self-control and dietary preferences. Methods: The study was carried out in a sample of 66 children, aged between 4 and 6 years old, from four kindergarten in the district of Leiria. The criteria used for the analysis was: food self-control, food preferences, nutritional status, food literacy of the head of education and the effect of food education. The statistical treatment of data was performed using SPSS ß version 21 software. Results: In the analysed sample, mainly female (53.0%), 57.6% of the children were not the first children and had normal nutritional status (77.3%); 19.7% were overweight and obese and 3.0% were thinner. The majority of the children (54.5%) presented food self- control. The caregivers showed good knowledge in the scope of food, with an average score of 82.0%. There was a positive significant correlation between the educator and the first choice of the children. Regarding the children’s choices secondary to the nutritionist’s intervention, no significant differences were found. However, although not statistically significant it is clinically relevant, because 25 of the 66 participating children improved their choices. Conclusions: In the preschool stage, the nutritionist intervention can be highly beneficial. Educating for healthy habits and lifestyles, increasing awareness for food good practices and strengthening children self-control might contribute positively to the struggle against childhood obesity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bone mineral density in children submitted to dairy restriction

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    Critical thinking, empathy and problem solving using a modern board game: A learning experience valued by physical therapy students

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    This study aimed at understanding how physical therapy students recognize a modern board game experience as an opportunity to train socioemotional skills. Thirteen physical therapy students participated in a learning experience using the Magic Maze board game and were assessed in terms of critical thinking, empathy, and problem-solving perceived experience. The facilitator’s perceptions were also registered. Students showed to be goal oriented focusing on choosing different solutions and reflecting critically on the most suitable one. Magic Maze was classified as a relevant learning method for other serious purposes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Risco Cardiovascular do Metilfenidato Como prevenir, e como agir perante a sobredosagem

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    O metilfenidato, único psicoestimulante aprovado em Portugal, é terapêutica farmacológica de primeira linha da PHDA, a perturbação neurocomportamental mais frequente na infância. Há também relatos de automedicação e uso recreativo de metilfenidato. Embora seja habitualmente bem tolerado, os efeitos adversos cardiovasculares devem ser encarados com prudência, dada a sua potencial gravidade.N/

    Good Agreement Between Echocardiography and Impedance Cardiography in the Assessment of Left Ventricular Performance in Hypertensive Patients

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    Background: Impedance cardiography (ICG) is a noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring tool which can define hypertensive patients' hemodynamic profiles and help to tailor antihypertensive therapy. This study assesses the concordance between ICG-derived indexes used to evaluate left ventricular performance and transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in hypertensive patients. Methods: In this IMPEDDANS post-hoc analysis, the ICG-derived indexes are compared with TTE by Bland-Altman method. Statistical significance of the relationship between the values obtained was assessed by generalized linear mixed-effects models. Results: In supine position, Bland-Altman analysis showed good concordance for cardiac output (CO) (mean difference of 0.006 mL/min [-0.120; 0.133]), cardiac index (CI) (mean difference of 0.016 mL/min/m2 [-0.471; 0.504]), pre-ejection period (PEP) (mean difference of -0.216 ms [-4.510; 4.077]), left ventricular ejection time (LVET) (mean difference of -0.140 ms [-6.573; 6.293]), and systolic time ratio (STR) (mean difference of -0.00004 [-0.008; 0.008]). In orthostatic position, good concordance was found for CO (mean difference 0.028 mL/min [-2.036; 1.980]), CI (mean difference -0.012 mL/min/m2 [-1.063; 1.039]), and STR (mean difference -0.101 [0.296; 0.094]). No significant difference between methods was identified by the linear mixed-effects models. Conclusion: The ICG-derived indexes CO, CI, PEP, LVET, and STR in supine position have good agreement with TTE. Therefore, ICG can be used to accurately evaluate left ventricular performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perfeccionismo no transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e nos transtornos alimentares

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    OBJETIVO: Este estudo tem dois objetivos principais. Primeiro, avaliar as dimensões do perfeccionismo no transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e nos transtornos alimentares em comparação com duas amostras controle: psiquiátrica (depressão/ansiedade) e não clínica. Segundo, avaliar se o perfeccionismo é um traço de personalidade especificamente relacionado com estas diferentes condições clínicas. MÉTODO: 39 pacientes com transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, 24 com transtornos alimentares, 65 com um diagnóstico de depressão e/ou ansiedade (todos estes pacientes encontravam-se em regime de ambulatório) e 70 controles não clínicos completaram a versão portuguesa da Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale. RESULTADOS: Comparativamente à amostra não clínica, todas as amostras clínicas apresentaram níveis significativamente mais elevados na Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale total, no Perfeccionismo Auto-Orientado e no Perfeccionismo-Socialmente-Prescrito. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas no Perfeccionismo-Auto-Orientado e na Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale total nas três amostras clínicas. No entanto, a amostra com transtornos alimentares apresentou níveis significativamente mais elevados de Perfeccionismo-Socialmente-Prescrito, comparativamente à transtornos alimentares e à amostra psiquiátrica (depressão/ansiedade). CONCLUSÃO: O perfeccionismo revelou estar associado a uma grande variedade de condições psicopatológicas. Contudo, as diferenças encontradas entre a amostra de transtornos alimentares, de transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e a psiquiátrica no Perfeccionismo-Socialmente-Prescrito necessitam de investigação subsequente no sentido de clarificar a especificidade desta dimensão com os transtornos alimentares

    Quem Recorre ao Serviço de Urgência de Pedopsiquiatria em Lisboa?

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    Ongoing monkeypox virus outbreak, Portugal, 29 April to 23 May 2022

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    Up to 27 May 2022, Portugal has detected 96 confirmed cases of monkeypox. We describe 27 confirmed cases (median age: 33 years (range: 22–51); all males), with an earliest symptom onset date of 29 April. Almost all cases (n = 25) live in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley health region. Most cases were neither part of identified transmission chains, nor linked to travel or had contact with symptomatic persons or with animals, suggesting the possible previously undetected spread of monkeypox.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio